Posts in 2020
GUEST COLUMN: 6 Best Video Games Movies of All-Time

by Daniel Witman

Film critics often underestimate video game movies. But the truth is such films create an alternative reality and have a vast audience, consisting of gamers. Such movies serve to give us a deeper look into the gaming worlds we know and love. Players who use dota 2 bets can spend their money on movie tickets, and support the concept of making video movies. Also, some games do have an elaborate story that deserves to become a movie basis. Let’s look at the best ones that won the hearts of millions worldwide.

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GUEST COLUMN: The 30 Best-Shot Films of All-Time

by Bethany Watson

Oftentimes, directors get all the credit when a movie is being celebrated. Other crucial individuals such as cinematographers, are ignored. This sort of misconception is rife not only in film but in spheres like music, cybersport, etc. However, every insider knows that for a movie to be shot correctly, the cinematographer has to be excellent. In this collation, we celebrate some of the best-shot movies of all time. (In no particular order).

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MEDIA APPEARANCE: Guest on the "Kicking the Seat" podcast talking "Project Power"

Twice now in the same month since a multi-month hiatus of scheduling, Ian Simmons was able to assemble the fabled “Earth’s Mightiest Critics” on his Kicking the Seat podcast for a brand new superhero film: Netflix’s Project Power. Myself, David Fowlie of Keeping It Reel, and Emmanuel Noisette of E-Man’s Movie Reviews popped our pills with Ian to put our buzz into the exploits of Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Dominique Fishback. Enjoy our thorough podcast chat linked below via Stitcher!

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For wishful reasons beyond the exploitative ones, people want to believe in ghosts. They would be alright with even the creepiest voyeur version or novelty of that to be real. Why? Because the existence of ghosts would mean there’s something else out there after our inevitable deaths. A tangible afterlife creates massive spiritual implications that stir so many. Molding their fictional clay, movies love plucking that particular heartstring, and the new streaming film Endless follows that convention.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Project Power

Whether it’s initially scribbled on a shitty cocktail napkin in a fog of bong smoke while occupying a disheveled couch or composed neatly on a souped-up MacBook atop a Feng Shui desk in a posh nook of some creative person’s living space, a potent idea can propel a writer’s bender to attempt a screenplay. Netflix’s Project Power has one of those high concepts where the mere thought of it gets you to hear late announcer Don LaFontaine in your head. Putting on his pitch voice, imagine a world where people can gain temporary superpowers from a mere pill. Picture the intriguing implications, suspense, and spectacle and your popcorn starts cooking already.

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GUEST COLUMN: The Top Five Dating Movies with Valuable Lessons

by Daniel Korolija

Movies provide us with an easy source of escapism. It’s fun watching our actors work through sticky situations. While they’re not always realistic, films often help us work through our issues because some provide valuable lessons. In this post, we’ll look at the top online dating movies and some of the lessons they teach us.

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MOVIE REVIEW: The Tax Collector

The Tax Collector feels like David Ayer’s 2 Samuel 1:27 moment for his current career. He elevated his settings and craft with Fury. He aimed behind his grasp with Suicide Squad. The “mighty have fallen.” That puts the stung and smeared David Ayer back to Los Angeles in a B-level movie and the three things he appears to be good at: 1) urban criminal underworlds, 2) seedy ethnic flavorings, and 3) spurts of graphic violence. These are his comfortable and dirty roots that brought forth Training Day, Dark Blue, Harsh Times, and End of Watch.

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COLUMN: Using Followers on Instagram to Promote Your Short Film Online

by Andrew Thompson

It’s 2020 and promotions have acquired a new way, including movies. Gone are the days when actors, directors, writers, and the film crew attended only a press conference to share the necessary details. Your audience today has become more critical than ever! For every movie maker and artist, their audience is their social currency, which they should earn and maintain well. Are you planning to promote your short film? If yes, you need to think of an intelligent social media marketing campaign and add Instagram as an integral social media platform for promotions.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Made in Italy

Actors are often asked by the many curious people fascinated by their work where they find the inspirations for the characters they play. Dropped by talk show hosts and adoring fans alike, it’s a common question, but a welcome open-ended one. The answers are almost always a fascinating blend of intentional craftsmanship and revealed individual quirks. If you know the personal history of Liam Neeson away from his tough and towering screen personas, you will know he, and his son Micheal Richardson, did not have to dig far for their characters in Made in Italy.

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GUEST COLUMN: The 12 Greatest Advertising Movies Ever Made

by Maria Barnes

Marketing and advertising is an integral part of a successful business. If you don't have a decently staged marketing system, you shouldn't expect your sales profit increase. Of course, there might be some positive shifts, but not to the extent to make your business successful. In this article we share our top 12 engaging advertising movies that solve several problems simultaneously

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INFOGRAPHIC: Alternative Pop Culture Car History

Unlike today’s productions with mammoth budgets and product placing, many movie cars of the past were chosen purely because that was all the movie producers could get their hands on at the time. There was often no particular car that was planned for the role. From Bristol Street Motors, scroll below to find out why some of your favorite cars from TV and film almost never made it onto the big screen.

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