Posts tagged Yo-Yo Ma
MOVIE REVIEW: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny

Last summer, the chief complaints of "Jurassic World" were its lack of majesty and awe to follow the original "Jurassic Park."  One can now say the very same about the new long-distance sequel "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny."  The soulful beating heart that stirred the 2000 winner of four Academy Awards has been stifled to large degree.  The dazzling and balletic flight of fancy that we fell in love with then has been replaced by repetitive flashiness driven by a different audience.

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COLUMN: The Ultimate Playlist of Movie Music Lullabies

I hope this big post and 200-song playlist finds you and serves you well.  It's been quite the passion project for me to build, on and off, over the last year and a half.  Thanks for letting me merge sounding like a parenting blogger and a movie in one post.  Please share this column with your friends with kids.  It's all not just for babies either.  If you like this kind of music, it works great in the car or at the office as well.  As a school teacher, I used to play this in my elementary school classes all the time.  It's excellent music for creativity and focus for all ages.  Enjoy!

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