Posts tagged Noomi Repace
MOVIE REVIEW: Alien: Covenant

Designed by H.R. Giger and manifested by Oscar-winning special effects puppetry, the unforgettable xenomorph creature that debuted in 1979’s Alien lunged with more menace than suddenness.  The acid-dripping extraterrestrial was an overpowering stalker.  Fast-forward 38 years to Alien: Covenant, and the CGI-boosted effects capable today have accelerated the monster’s lethal velocity to an unhinged and downright bonkers level.  Let me tell you, that’s a dandy of a jolt.

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It is of great surprise that, for me, all I kept thinking about during "The Drop" was Michael Madsen's response-begging question from Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" as Mr. Blonde:  "Are you going to bark all day or are you going to bite?"  For too much of "The Drop," a seemingly record number of bushes are being beaten around.  Don't get me wrong.  A dialogue-driven and slow-boiling premise can work and has worked, worlds over, but it has to deliver at some point.  "The Drop" does have a sly ending in mind and at play, but it doesn't match or make up for the tedious lead-up.  Considering the talent involved, I expected more.

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