Posts tagged War Horse

Beloved in its homeland of Scotland, Lewis Grassic Gibbon's 1932 novel "Sunset Song" is revered for its detailed and poignant tale of peasant life and the place of women during the transitional times of the early 20th century.  The novel has been a long-gestating passion project for highly regarded British filmmaker Terence Davies.  Brought to life with moments of 65mm grandeur, his sumptuously crafted and carefully refined film adaptation is another jewel in the filmmaker's crown, though one not without its source material's difficulties.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Bridge of Spies

Sewn with care to document an unopened storybook file on little-rememberd, forgotten Cold War heroics and theatrics, "Bridge of Spies" is the kind of historical drama that Steven Spielberg can make in his sleep.  In a way, this is Spielberg's throwback answer to "Argo," three years after Ben Affleck's film swept the top Oscars away from Spielberg's own "Lincoln."  He doesn't need that one-upmanship for his ego.  "Bridge of Spies" is more a reminder that the master is still capable of making a winner with ease.  

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MOVIE REVIEW: The Railway Man

In my opinion, very few actors have established themselves with their performance history to the point that their presence alone is an automatic sign of elevated quality towards an entire film.  Call it "street cred" on a casual level or "artistic integrity" on a professional level, but few actors and actresses are near-guarantees for solid and award-worthy performances every time they take on a role.  By my account, Academy Award winner Colin Firth has elevated to become one of those rare performers.  He's outstanding in everything he takes on, comedy or drama, and the films he chooses become better with him being there.

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