Posts tagged Scarface

You know the "Goodfellas" tropes: excessive narration, ordinary people getting rich or powerful doing extraordinary and often illegal activities played by colorful actors or actresses, dramatic license spinning a likely lesser true story, a kicking period soundtrack, pervasive drug use, freeze-frame shots to stamp moments, and a tidy epilogue of comeuppance.  Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it is also lazily standing on the shoulders of giants.  That’s the impact and existence of Todd Phillips’s “War Dogs” in a gun… err… nutshell. 

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Creating entertaining biopics about a universally disgraced figure are a hard sell under that key word of "entertaining."  If they attempt to create sympathy, a duel of alienation and bias can arise.  A good, thought-provoking movie has to fearlessly dig deeper.  As Van der Rohe is attributed to saying, "the devil is in the details."  Exposing the sordid and untold details of what led to the subject's defamation is where your film gets interesting.  The rise and fall of champion cyclist Lance Armstrong is fertile ground and a fresh wound that has yet to be solved.  "The Program," directed "Philomena" and "The Queen" Oscar nominee Stephen Frears, pedals uphill in attempting to shine a light on the dark details.

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