GUEST EDITORIAL: Ohana Means Family: Movies That Portray the Myriad of Forms a Family Can Take



Ohana Means Family: Movies That Portray the Myriad of Forms a Family Can Take

by Adrian Johansen

There have been more movies made about families over the years than we would ever be able to talk about. But, when you first think about some of the classics, films that focus on nuclear families probably come to mind. 

That has changed over the past few decades. Societal trends are shifting, as well as family trends. As we study and learn more about human development and study families more closely, it’s become clear that the nuclear family just isn’t “the norm” anymore. Blended families, LGBTQ+ families, adoptive families, and even families made up of friends are becoming more common than ever. 

Because art imitates reality, more films are starting to depict the myriad of forms a family can take, as well. Doing so is a great way to represent people in all walks of life and different familial situations. It also speaks to where we are, as a society, and how the definition of “family” will likely continue to adapt and change. 

With that in mind, let’s look at a few movies that portray families in a non-traditional way. 

Mrs. Doubtfire

While we don’t recommend portraying a Scottish nanny to spend more time with your kids, there’s no denying that 1993’s Mrs. Doubtfire offered a comedic, yet touching approach to the idea of co-parenting. For children of divorce or even parents struggling to navigate custody issues, the comedy within this classic film helped to ease some of those traditional tensions. 

Co-parenting isn’t easy, yet millions of couples around the globe have to do it. Some of the common challenges of co-parenting include: 

  • Discipline differences

  • Lack of communication

  • Consistency issues

  • Dealing with conflict

Amid the comedic moments throughout the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire touches on the pain of divorce and how the idea of losing time with children can be so devastating. It’s the reason Robin Williams’ character goes to such great lengths to spend more time with his kids. 

By the end of the film, when Mrs. Doubtfire’s true identity has been revealed, it finally shows an establishment of co-parenting, and a plan for how the two divorced characters will move forward. Those final moments can provide a great deal of hope for parents who are struggling right now or for kids who are wondering how their lives might change if their parents are going through a divorce.  

Lilo and Stitch

We couldn’t use such a famous quote in the title and not at least mention the 2002 animated film. When Lilo and Stitch was first released, most people focused on the funny, yet ridiculous antics of the little blue extraterrestrial. But, family is at the heart of this movie from the very beginning. 

It’s a theme Disney touches on with so many of its movies. In the past, the animation studio has covered familial issues like: 

  • The loss of one parent

  • The loss of both parents

  • Living with a new family

  • Not fitting in with your family values

In Lilo and Stitch, the narrative changes slightly. The film is set up after the death of Lilo’s parents, so she is cared for by her sister, Nani. The film shows Nani struggling to make ends meet by working as a waitress. It further depicts how difficult those situations can be when a social worker gets involved, expressing his concern over whether Nani can actually take care of Lilo. As you might expect, hilarity and chaos ensue from there. But, the very core of the film is centered on the importance of family, and it’s a great depiction of how different types of families – even those without parents – can overcome obstacles. 

Instant Family

About 135,000 children are adopted each year in the United States. So, it only makes sense for there to be some great movies touching on the subject and the families involved. Some notable titles include: 

  • The Blind Side

  • Juno

  • Annie

  • Paper Dream

You might not expect an action star like Mark Wahlberg to collide with a film about adoption, but that’s exactly what happened in 2018’s Instant Family. This film offers a heartwarming and sometimes comedic take on the ins and outs of fostering and adopting while touching on some very true, difficult realities and challenges. It focuses on a couple who fosters three siblings who would otherwise be wards of the state due to a mother who hasn’t been able to provide for them.

The interesting element of this film is the ages of the children. It shows how the two younger kids almost instantly warm up to the couple, while the older one has a more difficult time separating her past from her present. For anyone thinking about adoption or families who have gone through the process, it offers a real and raw perspective while showcasing hope, strength, and the love of a family – no matter how that family is built. 

There are so many films out there that prove family is everything. But, the very definition of family is changing all the time. These are just a few examples of how the nuclear family is no longer the norm for so many, and we’re likely to continue to see that kind of representation on the big screen.