Valuable Life Morals We Can Adopt From Movie Characters
Valuable Life Morals We Can Adopt From Movie Characters
Movies do not just entertain viewers. They can also be outlets or mediums through which the creators can relay their ideas, philosophies, values, and visions. Movies can reach out to the minds and consciousness of viewers and evoke their realizations about life and other situations portrayed in the movies. Some remarkable movie characters can deliver powerful messages and performances that make us reexamine ourselves, our beliefs, our past, or even our future. Whatever genre a movie labels itself with, you are bound to find something worth relating with one or several characters in that movie.
Join us as we journey through the reel and real-life in search of valuable life morals and lessons we can adopt from movie characters.
Constant Pursuit of Wisdom - Yoda
There is so much more to the iconic Star Wars character than meets the eye. Most of us may know him as Luke Skywalker’s Jedi master who taught him the ways of the Force. We see him as a figure of great power, authority, and wisdom. Even though he does not share as much screen time as the other characters, there is much wisdom and significance in his presence. It has been around 50 years since the first release of the Star Wars franchise but the relevance of some famous Yoda quotes still apply to our younger generations. The wisdom in Yoda’s words transcends not just centuries but also millennials, as they have as much impact among millennials and Gen-Z viewers as they had among Baby Boomers to Gen-Y viewers.
One of our favorite one-liners from Yoda is this: “Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” It tells us to seek the truth and answers from the pure and raw thoughts of children. They look at the world from a simple and unbiased perspective, which is something we can all learn from.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” This is perhaps the most memorable Yoda quote that many viewers remember. Yoda intentionally worded these lines in the simplest way possible. There may be various interpretations, but it tells us to make two definite choices in life: doing something or not doing something. There is no try means do your best and avoid half-assed attempts because there are no do-overs in life.
Hopefulness and Resilience - Chuck Noland
Any avid movie watcher during the opening of the new millennium would remember the movie Cast Away and its main character Chuck Noland. The movie tells us about unexpected events in life and warns us not to be complacent that things will remain as they are. The sudden weather shift and the plane crash in the movie are allusions to these events.
The movie progresses with Chuck stranded on a remote island and struggling to survive with anything he can find. The pains and hardships he goes through and his battle with solitude to keep his sanity tell us a valuable lesson: to persevere and not lose hope. Each morning we wake is a chance to appreciate the gift of life that we receive. Chuck also tells us not to give up because hard times don't last long and just like the light at the end of a tunnel, there is the possibility that life will change for the better.
Keeping Your True Self - Rich Chaplin
The 2012 movie Me Again tells us a good lesson about staying true to yourself and never letting go of who you are despite the situations that happen in your life. Some people wish they were someone else because of the terrible situation they are in. Others lose touch with who they are after achieving fame and fortune. There will be times that you will be allowed to change your life as you wished for, only to realize that it was better as it originally was. It’s okay to have ambitions and have goals to improve oneself, but staying true to your roots can help you get there without losing your way.
Relentless Pursuit of Your Life Goal - Chris Gardner
The 2006 American biographical drama film The Pursuit of Happyness pretty much sums up what it wants to teach the viewers: being steadfast in your pursuit of what makes you truly happy. Will Smith’s portrayal of Chris Garder’s rags-to-riches story tells us to bravely push forward and move towards our goals in life. The path towards success will not always be an easy one, as it will be fraught with obstacles, bumps, detours, and just about anything that can keep us from following it. Simply put, it tells us to be strong and committed to achieving our life goals and never look back or be swayed by words that make us doubt ourselves.
By now you might be thinking of rewatching the movies mentioned here or some movies that connected with you in some way. Also, this may somewhat change your movie viewing experience and see movies not just as sources of entertainment but of inspiration as well. We hope that some of the life lessons we shared here that were brilliantly portrayed by the characters can help inspire you to make positive changes in your life.