COLUMN: How to Choose a Movie for Moving
How to Choose a Movie for Moving
Moving can be hard. From cleaning your current residence to choosing an appropriate pod storage or moving company, like for moving houses comes with a lot of stress and exhaustion. Everyone needs a break sometimes. If you are someone who is moving a long way away from your current place of residence, it can be even more stressful for you. You would need something that distracts you and keeps your mind off the stress of moving. A good way to get your mind off the anxiety of moving is to watch a movie. Figuring out what to watch to keep you distracted can be a challenge on its own. Here are a few examples on what you can watch while you make the big move. Professional advice from moving services Sammamish can also help.
If you are someone who is making the move from a big town to a small town, this movie is for you. Moving to a town much smaller than you are used to can be tough and it comes with its challenges. This movie is centered mostly on teenagers but anyone can relate to the context of the struggles. This movie will help you realize that very place has its pros and cons. So instead of sulking about leaving your current home, you can be excited about what the new place has to offer you.
Blue Valentine
Any list of movies regarding the process of moving would be incomplete without mentioning “Blue Valentine.” This movie follows the life of a man who works for a moving company. While this movie is not necessarily focused around the process of moving, it is one of the rare films that highlights what it’s like to work in a professional moving company, similar to the experiences of the best movers in London, Ontario. It will make you appreciate how hard the people you have hired for moving your stuff have to work. It is going to make you want to undergo the process of moving with a lot more patience.
Cheaper by the Dozen
If you are someone who has a big family, you will definitely be able to relate to this movie. It tells the story of a family with 12 children as they are undergoing the enormous change of moving houses. You might think your move was difficult, but wait till you watch this movie. It will make you realize things could be worse. This movie will prove to be relatable, funny and heartwarming at the same for you and your family. Watching it with the rest of your family will surely lighten the mood and ease the anxiety associated with moving.
Inside Out
Moving from one place to another can be challenging, especially if you are doing it alone. Inside Out is a movie you can watch when you are moving to a new place on your own. Inside Out follows the life of a young girl when her parents move to a new place. We get a look inside her brain. It shows us how it affects her in different ways, and how she copes with all the stress of moving. The movie shows us that while the process of moving can be difficult, it is made significantly easier by keeping in touch with the people you love, along the way.
The Money Pit
This movie could come in handy for couples who are making the big move to a new place. It is centered on a couple who move in a new house that is falling apart. They find a plethora of problems that need fixing and renovations. Moving to a new place can seem to be a big strain on your relationship sometimes. Watching this movie will make you and your partner feel better that you have not got it as bad as the couple in the movie.