MEDIA APPEARANCE: Guest on "Darkseid of the Moon" and the "Talking Points" segment on the DCEU
Irishman writer, author, creator, and podcaster stud Vincent Greene is former editor of mine from 25YL and he’s got a banger of podcast called Darkseid of the Moon, part of his MDK Productions label. That’s “murder, death, kill” for you non-clever folks. He’s been marching through Phase 1 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In December, I was a guest discussing 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. This time, Vinnie and his regular co-host Noel John Tuohy invited me back for a two-part recording session. The first piece was their “Talking Points” segment on the rumored cancellation of the DC Extended Universe. Our mutual loves, hates, worries, and prognostications comes out in a great chat. Follow Vinnie and Noel on Twitter and Facebook!