INFOGRAPHIC: The Highest-Grossing Movies Filmed in Each State
The Highest-Grossing Movies Filmed in Each State
The United States spans 3.8 million square miles, 26 climate types, and countless picturesque landforms—making it a perfect background for all kinds of movies. Everything from historical fantasies to urban disaster epics make their home on American soil (or water).
Although the film industry frequents some states more than others, every state has its claim to Hollywood fame—and when you recognize a cherished landmark from your own home state, it can inspire an excitement that’s hard for other blockbusters to match.
The team at USDISH gathered a list of the highest-grossing movies ever filmed in each state. Find the one that took the most box office earnings in your state—and then stream it On Demand to see if you can spot the scenes filmed on your home turf.
Here is the link to the full report:
First, we used IMDb to compile a list of movies with the highest gross box office revenue in the US. The figures were not adjusted for inflation.
We then used and to determine the filming locations of the highest-grossing movies. Each film had to have at least one scene filmed in the state.
Please note: At the time of this report, Spider-Man: No Way Home was still in theatres, which makes the box office earnings subject to change.