INFOGRAPHIC: Each State’s Top Kids Halloween Movie
From E.T. to Hocus Pocus, the Halloween movies you loved as a kid are classics to this day for a reason—they’re the best spooky movies for kids.
As spooky movie buffs who can’t wait to binge-watch the classics (using USDISH’s satellite TV package) this Halloween, the team at USDish set out to find which spooky children’s movies each state’s residents still love. Will your state watch the meddling kids in Scooby-Doo, or try saying “Beetlejuice” three times to make the famous poltergeist appear?
The fine folks at USDish have assembled a lovely map of their data and findings:
Here is the link to the full report:
To identify each state’s most googled spooky movie for kids, we gathered a list of kids Halloween movies rated PG or G. Then, we used SEMRush to find the movies that had the highest keyword search ranking. Finally, we input the movie names into Google Trends to find each state’s most searched movie.