4 Great Ways To Join the Theatre Industry

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/actors-artists-ballet-costumes-45258/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/actors-artists-ballet-costumes-45258/

4 Great Ways To Join the Theatre Industry

Theatre is an art form that can be both entertaining and educational. It encompasses many aspects of the arts, including dance, music, singing, and acting. Many people dream of becoming a part of this industry because they love theatre or work in one particular facet of it. But how does someone join the theatre industry? There are some great ways for you to get started!

Be Ready for Criticism

Theatre is an art form that requires a ton of production crew, designers, and actors to pull off. That means there will be criticism no matter what you do when working in the theatre industry. Many people think they're prepared for it but are surprised at how harsh it can be.

Fortunately, the best thing you can do is to take criticism and learn from it. It's not going to be easy, but if you're tough enough, this will only make you a stronger person in your craft! 

Learn From Prominent People in the Industry

Start by following and connecting with the right people. The theatre industry is a small world, so there are plenty of opportunities to network your way into an apprenticeship or internship. For example, if you follow theater companies on social media such as Facebook or Twitter, you may be able to find out about internships in their mailroom or ticket office.

Find your mentors and take advantage of their important expertise. So many people are working in the industry who would love to share what they've learned from years on the stage with a young, eager actor just looking for advice or inspiration. Ask them questions about how they got started, their favorite roles, if they regret doing anything in their career, and many more.

Make connections with people who have the same skills as you do. For example, if you're interested in being a stage manager or director, then reach out to other people working behind the scenes of theater productions for advice about getting into the profession. You'll be surprised at what you do.

To learn from prominent people in the industry, you should start by reading their blogs, for instance, Travis Preston of CalArts. Find out what they're doing and how they got there!  

Work on Your Skills

This step is the first to become a theatre professional. If you want to be an actor or are interested in production, work hard to develop your craft and perfect it. The more skilled you are as an individual performer, the better chance of being noticed by theater companies looking for talent.

Network and Support Others in the Industry

There's a whole lot of networking and support you can do in the theatre industry. One great way to get involved is by joining your local theater association, introducing you to other people working in similar fields. You'll also have access to resources like information on preparing for an audition or finding funding for your production. If there's a company in your area you admire, consider reaching out to them and requesting an invitation for a tour.

Volunteer to usher at a performance or help with costumes and sets for your local theatre. You'll learn new skills that you can later put on your resume and will meet others in the industry who may become good friends.

Most theater jobs are available only by applying through an online application process. However, it's essential not to overlook the "hidden" job opportunities that come to you through networking.


Theatre is an industry that has a range of different opportunities, so it's not just about being on the stage. There are many other jobs to go into to work around the theatre and make your mark. Hopefully, this blog helps you in your journey!