GUEST EDITORIAL: 5 Stoner Movies To Watch This Fall


5 Stoner Movies To Watch This Fall

by Kevin Gardner

Stoner movies are super fun to watch! While most of these flicks aren't critical darlings, there's still merit to each one. Also, the genre has a wide array of options. There's everything from movies about stoners to movies that are fun for stoners to watch. So, if you're looking for some options right now, here are five stoner movies to watch this fall.

1. Reefer Madness

No matter when you decide to watch a stoner movie, Reefer Madness is always an excellent choice. This is mainly because it's an extremely anti-stoner flick. The movie, which was made in the thirties, is one of the funniest pieces of propaganda ever created. It's chock-full of misinformation and blatant lies about marijuana. While this could be annoying in another film, it's absolutely hilarious in this one. The climax involves a reefer-influenced teenage murder! Plus, the implication that weed makes you play the piano at inhuman speeds is amazing. Whether you watch this movie high or with CBD flower, it's sure to be insanely entertaining.

2. Suspiria

Since you're looking for fall stoner movies, it's fitting to watch some horror films. So, you may want to start off with one of the trippiest horrors of all time - Suspiria. While both versions of the film are insane and well made, you'll probably have more fun with Dario Argento's original flick. For one thing, the movie is full of crazy visuals. Every scene has bright colors and highly stylized settings. Also, the kills are super artsy and fun to watch. You see bright red blood, creepy eyes in the sky, razor-sharp wire and even disgusting maggots. The whole thing feels like a dream, albeit one that involves murder and witches. Plus, most of the actors don't speak English. Because of this, you can stare in confusion while weirdly-timed dubs play on screen. Although the movie is great on its own, it would be perfect for a stoner to watch.

3. Cabin in the Woods

Similar to Suspiria, Cabin in the Woods makes an excellent fall movie due to its horror. However, it has the added element of starring a stoner! In fact, the stoner character (whose name is Marty) is one of the most resourceful members of the movie's gang. His smoking even saves him from being influenced by bad guys! Not to mention that his collapsible bong becomes a weapon. Other than this element, Cabin in the Woods also has crazy visuals and plotlines. The ending sequence in particular will completely blow your mind, particularly since a lot of the effects are practical. You'll see killer unicorns, evil mermen, a faceless dancer and a seemingly endless massacre.

4. Cats

Cats, the new film directed by Tom Hooper, was meant to be a fairly serious Oscar-darling. Unfortunately for Hooper (but fortunately for stoners), this didn't turn out to be the case. Instead, Cats is a nightmare-fuel film full of uncanny valley effects and incoherent plot lines. You could watch the film anytime and still feel high! This movie is an even better choice if you have friends that know the musical. Try having a sing-a-long while taking in the cringy CGI! Some highlights to look for are Rebel Wilson's second skin, the cockroaches with human faces, everyone's weirdly sensual cat movements and Judy Dench's torturously long fourth wall break. 

5. 4/20 Massacre

4/20 Massacre may just be the perfect stoner movie to watch in the fall. It literally focuses on horror and weed! The indie film is pretty new, having only just come out in 2018. It centers around five women who are celebrating a friend's birthday. The group goes to a secluded area of a national park, which turns out to have - you guessed it - a lot of weed. In fact, the area is part of an illegal weed operation. The resulting events are exactly as goofy and gory as you'd expect. While there isn't a ton of violence, it's certain to fulfill your need for fall spooks. 

No matter which option you pick, you're sure to have a lot of fun. Pop some popcorn and get ready to laugh!

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