GUEST EDITORIAL: 5 Focuses of Celebrities During Filming


5 Focuses of Celebrities During Filming

by Lewis Robinson

How many times have you found yourself scrolling aimlessly through the latest celebrity news articles? The topics can range from dating to new fashion trends to top health and beauty routines. We are fascinated by these individuals. Their physique may inspire us to try a new diet or workout regimen that the celebrity swears by for its excellent benefits. Their looks may have us swiping our cards for the latest makeup or clothing trends. The admiration doesn’t stop just there. Some of us feel compelled to give to a charity that is brought to our attention by a famous person via social media or another form of endorsement. Many of these individuals seem to have endless energy and time as they are involved in many varying commitments. This may leave you wondering what their life looks like during filming.

1. Health

Filming is a very intense time commitment. Often, the actors spend the majority of each day on set. This can be a challenge at times, especially if a long day requires 12 or more hours on set. Long hours can make you more susceptible to sickness, especially if you are not taking care of your body or if you are in bad weather conditions. Celebrities make sure they eat healthy diets, drink plenty of water, and take any necessary vitamins and supplements to stay on top of their health. Many are aware of the relationship between sleep and immune system, so they work their best to get an adequate amount of sleep in, despite a grueling schedule.

2. Practice

For specific roles, a heavy amount of research and training may go into playing the part perfectly. For instance, someone playing a knight would need training on proper sword handling and fight stances. A lot of background work goes into learning a role prior to filming. The actors will continue to dedicate time to practice, research and other methods in order to master their character. Running lines and ensuring line memorization is also a large part of a celebrity’s life during filming.

3. Mental Preparation

Solid mental preparation is needed to prepare the actor to spend the majority of their day on set. Calming activities such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and visualization may all prepare or ease stress and anxiety during filming. Suppose the celebrity is playing a particularly dark or complex character. In that case, they may need to devote extra time to get into the mind frame to act as that persona, inhabiting their gestures, mannerisms, posture and darkness.

4. Protect Vocals

A crucial part of acting is the vocals. Running lines for hours on end can lead to strained voices. Celebrities know how and when to protect their vocals to maximize their efforts with minimal strain. Drinking plenty of water during filming can help reduce the strain on vocal cords. Drinking warm herbal teas can be a great way to help soothe the actor’s throats after a long day of running lines or when extreme levels are used frequently throughout a filming day, such as whispers or yelling.

5. Loved Ones

A drastic time commitment or set location that is far away can really impact the time a celebrity has to spend with their family. During filming, the actors can rely on video chats with their kids and other family members. Communication with loved ones is an important way for these individuals to still feel connected despite long days.

Actors provide us with the gift of entertainment. In order to do so, they spent countless hours on set filming. These long days and demanding feats can take quite a toll on their health, so a key focus during filming is taking care of one’s body and mind. Squeezing in time for a quick update from family and friends can help to make the celebrity feel connected despite a hectic filming schedule. Amazing time management skills help the actors to find time for filming, media promotions, other work commitments, self-care and family time.