GUEST EDITORIAL: 6 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Netflix Subscription
6 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Netflix Subscription
by Kevin Gardner
Getting a Netflix account can be extremely exciting. It literally gives you access to thousands of items, thereby providing you with endless hours of entertainment. However, you may find the cost of your subscription a bit worrisome. In this case, it's important that you make the investment worthwhile. So, here are six tips for getting as much as possible out of your Netflix account.
1. Have Reliable Streaming
It's hard to watch Netflix in the first place without accessing it. If you want to get the most out of a Netflix subscription, your first step is to inspect your network capabilities. Make sure that you'll be able to access your account at all times. You can also investigate how likely you are to receive lags. If you're worried about this, you may consider getting a VPN for Netflix.
2. Pick the Right Plan
While most viewers think there's only one way to watch Netflix, the company does provide more than one plan. In fact, there are numerous ways you can use a Netflix account. Many of the plans revolve around the company's former business model - sending DVD's in the mail. If you're more comfortable with DVD's than online streaming, you still have the ability to use Netflix in this way. You can also get a Blu-Ray plan. In terms of online streaming, Netflix offers three tiers of subscriptions. The tiers are defined by the number of screens you can watch on, as well as the allowed video definition. Most people use the standard (middle) plan.
3. Download Content
One aspect of Netflix that isn't widely known is the ability to download content. If you're about to lose your internet, say on a flight, you can still watch Netflix films by downloading a few. While not every item has this capability, you're almost sure to find something you like. Simply select the film or show you want to watch and find the Download icon. It should be next to the Share icon. Once it's downloaded, you can delete the item any time you like.
4. Use at Odd Times
This method may not work for everyone, but it's helpful to keep in mind. Netflix has over 195 million subscribers, so its system can be busy at times. This mainly occurs during prime watching hours, such as early afternoon and evening. When the system is that busy, it seems to work less efficiently. You can avoid the subsequent buffering by watching at a less popular time.
5. Look for Genres
While Netflix's browsing page heavily features popular options, chances are that you have interests outside of the mainstream. If this is true, using the genre categories may be for you. All you need to do is click on Movies or TV Shows. Next, select the Genres drop down menu and pick one you like. Afterwards, Netflix provides more subcategories for each genre. Some are specific to the genre, while others are based on your viewing history and current trends. While Netflix may alter this method of finding genres, it should be available in some form or another.
6. Use Netflix Codes
It's always exciting when you can access a rare item from a popular company. For instance, many people enjoy ordering drinks from Starbucks' secret menu. Netflix has its own version of this by way of codes. While the company provides about 13,900 titles, you probably only see around a hundred displayed on your browsing page. In order to access more, you can use one of the codes. These numbers apply to specific genres, such as fantasy movies. You can use one by typing the web address for Netflix genres into your browser with a code at the end.
Once you use it a few times, you'll probably find Netflix easy to navigate. It's set up to help viewers watch as much as possible, so you should have no problem spending hours on it. As long as you follow these tips and watch regularly, you'll be almost sure to use your Netflix account to its fullest extent.