GUEST EDITORIAL: Why Old Movies are More Useful than Modern Ones?
Why Old Movies are More Useful than Modern Ones?
by Susan Saurel
Anytime your friend or a loved one argues that old movies are the best, share with him or her this article. We all have grandparents, friends or colleagues who complain that modern movies cannot be compared to older movies.
The movies of today, they say, do not hold a handle to the classics. And the numbers prove them right. Up to date, the average movie rating has been dropping continuously since the year 2000 on the popular review aggregate sites such as IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic to name a few.
But there is more to this trend than a decrease in quality. A lot of movies are produced and released every year. Most of them manage to compete for the Oscars and other global awards. Some of them perform better than others due to their interesting story or special effects that are simply out of the mind.
Since the year 2000, technological advancements have transformed the movie world. Directors and producers have changed how they made movies. They have adopted new styles that go hand in hand with the technological devices that they currently have.
What makes a modern movie great? Investing in the latest piece of technology, a cast of talented and experienced actors and a bigger budget can transform an ordinary movie into a great movie. Not to forget to include the special effects.
When it comes to movie reviews, everyone has his or her opinion. Some people struggle to watch modern movies while others can’t finish watching an old movie without dozing off. Some people consider old movies to be outdated due to the mannerisms of the actors or the graphics. And this is quite true.
However, old movies have valuable lessons that you can’t easily find in modern ones. And these lessons can be used in our modern world. Let’s discuss why old movies are better than modern ones.
1. The Acting Style
According to best essays review, acting in modern movies cannot be compared to old movies. Old movies used the Acting System which was developed by Constantin. This system is based on the fact that human beings cannot emotions. Therefore, he came up with a system that summons emotional inspiration.
He encouraged the use of the Emotional Memory concept which meant that actors had to use emotional memories from the past to create the character’s emotions. They acted more naturally because there were no special effects.
Acting in older movies was supernatural because of the social and cultural norms of the time. Times change and so do social and cultural norms. This does not mean that there are no great actors in the modern movie industry. However, the acting style that was embraced in the past pushed actors to exceed their mental and emotional limitations.
2. No Rush
One reason why people who love modern movies sleep while watching old movies is nothing is rushed. Some scenes might be boring compared to the rest. Conversations used to last for at least three minutes. Plus, the films used to be taken from only one angle. This is one of the things that bore millennials.
If you’ve ever watched a modern movie with an elderly, you probably repeated some scenes more than twice or explained what was happening for him or her to understand. Modern movies are rushed from the beginning to the end.
If you are used to old movies, you’ll hardly understand a thing. Modern movies are not focused on deep conversations. Moviemakers focus on the action and special effects to please the viewers’ brains and eyes.
According to top resume writing services, older movies focused on the conversation and the character. The moviemakers filmed with the assumption that people had a couple of hours to spend watching black and white movies.
Today, modern movies are focused on the actions that adapt to our everyday life. Times are changing rapidly and so is the moving making process. Editing techniques have been embraced and everyone is overusing them. And this leads to low-quality movies.
Since people have developed attention atrophy, modern movies are full of actions with shorter scenes to make it easier for the younger generation to focus. Also, movie makers are creating movies with the assumption that people don’t have enough time to sit down and watch a good movie for a few hours. That’s another major reason why modern movies are fast-paced.
Old movies presented their theme or topics slowly. However, this does not make an old movie too boring to watch.
3. Different Topics/Subjects
There are major differences between old movies and modern movies especially when it comes to the topics or main themes. Today, everyone wants to watch fast-paced movies because they are thrilling and relieve stress.
Yes, you can find old movies with the same topic or theme that modern movies have. However, most old movies were about love and war. And they always presented a new refreshing perspective using the talented characters. You could easily identify yourself with the plot of the story. They presented the habits and norms that were common during those days. And this is why we prefer old movies to modern movies.
Ivory research shows that old movies introduced the viewers to a different better world. After watching the movie, you could reason and discover what you’ve been doing right or wrong in your life. The plot was original and exciting compared to the modern ones. Modern movie makers are in the business of recreating older movies with a few changes thanks to the rapid advancement of technology.
Old movies present a theme or topic that inspires and motivates viewers to take action. It could be pouring out your heart to the person you secretly love or having the courage to follow your dreams. Unlike the past, you can easily find whatever you want with a simple Google search. You can identify the opportunities and problems around you without having to sit down for a few hours to watch a movie.
Watching movies was one of the best ways to open your eyes and mind in the past. Old movies showed people what they could manage to do with art, beauty, and sexuality. Today, people are focused on finding the treasure that will save the world and heroic feats with lots of actions and editing.
4. Different Effects
One of the main goals of old movies was to create a story that you could strongly identify with. A story that inspired you to become a better version of yourself; to know and fight for the dreams of your country.
Every effect was made to create a clear perfect scene together with a good screenplay. These moviemakers took their time to choose characters who complimented the plot of the story because the special effects had not evolved as they have today.
For instance, horror movies were really scary. Most children and teenagers couldn’t sleep after watching those movies. And even if they did, they would narrate the nightmares they had. Today, no one feels scared after watching modern horror movies.
The difference is not in the plot but the effects. Modern horror movies look like Science Fiction. Ghosts have features that you can’t imagine. And since modern movies are being produced constantly, it is extremely difficult to find a great one.
Although technology had not developed back then, old movies had something special. All the special effects like war scenes and death were more realistic than what we see in modern movies today. Some great modern producers create extraordinary movies. However, with the possibility of improving visuals using effects, it’s difficult to figure out when to stop.
5. Old movies are the real success
Let’s face it. There could be no modern movies without old movies. Most of the respected producers of our times were mentored by old movie producers. Old movies paved the way for the growth and success of the movie industry. Even though most of us can’t stand them, they’ve stood the test of time. If you grew up watching these movies, you know what I mean.
Modern directors are not creating anything new. They are simply recreating and rebranding old movies using the latest pieces of technology. Even though old movies are a bit longer, they addressed exciting topics that opened the eyes and minds of people.
Old movies are not boring. You just need to sit down and focus on the characters. Remember, how you look at things determines your experience. By changing your perspective, you’ll realize why the elderly have never stopped watching these movies. They are useful, entertaining and impressive. And most importantly, you can identify yourself with the story.