MEDIA APPEARANCE: "Connecting With Classics" Episode 7: "Vertigo"

For the July selection of the Feelin' Film Podcast "Connecting With Classics" series, host Aaron White and I have been circling Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo for months, ever since it officially celebrated its 60th anniversary on May 9th.  Next to Casablanca, it’s probably the highest regarded film “Connecting With Classics” will present in this series during this inaugural year of 2018.  We here dive into the AFI’s Top 100, but Vertigo sits atop "The 50 Greatest Films of Time" as voted on by the British Film Institute’s Sight and Sound magazine.  Ladies and gentlemen, they don’t get much better than this.

This month, Aaron and I are joined by a special guest, who last year completed the enormous challenge of watching Alfred Hitchcock’s entire filmography. He is Reed Lackey, from the podcast The Fear of God, friend of the show, and probably the biggest Hitchcock fan I know. Welcome, Reed!

"Connecting With Classics" Episode 7: "Vertigo"
Feelin' Film/Aaron White

One of the goals for “Connecting With Classics” is listener participation. We will be hosting prize drawings for a poster of the Connecting With Classics movie of their choice plus podcast swag and more at the end of each calendar year. Entries into the drawing can be earned for every episode by watching the film and posting your own review or thoughts about the podcast episode in the comments section of the episode announcement post in our Feelin’ Film Facebook Discussion Group. For listeners who do not wish to be a part of the discussion group, emailing reviews to will also be accepted.