GUEST CRITIC: Charlie's Angels
As busy I get from time to time, I find that I can't see every movie under the sun, leaving my friends and colleagues to fill in the blanks for me. As poetically as I think I wax about movies on this website as a wannabe critic, sometimes a simple sentence or two from a friend says it all. Sometimes, it inspires me to see the movie too and get back to being my circle's go-to movie guy. Sometimes, they save me $9 and you 800+ words of blathering. In a new review series, I'm opening my site to friend submissions for quick-hit movie reviews.
Today's guest critic is our first returning one, here for their second go-around and quick take. Earlier this month, you met six-year old "Becca" and her whimsically frank take on "The Prince and Me," just in time for its 10th anniversary. Well, this website's newest favorite Florida-based movie critic is back again to dive even further into the past of "old people." She almost cracks the last century barrier with 2000's "Charlie's Angels." Go ahead and picture yourself as to where you were in the Summer of 2000 and start to feel old. Becca pegged us well.
In case you don't remember, "Becca" is the spunky and lovely niece of Miss Natalie Dybala, a fellow Peotone Blue Devil to myself. Like me, Natalie is a fellow educator and works as online math teacher for the K12 International Academy out of Hendron, Virginia. Teaching from the comfort of home, she resides in Orlando, Florida. Once again, she absolutely does not miss the Midwestern weather she grew up in, despite her fair complexion in the Florida sun. Mess with her and you get the claws of her spry cat Gandalf. When she's not teaching, Natalie also works in Orlando as a Photopass Photographer at Walt Disney World, the mecca of all things wonderful.
Her niece, Becca, loves anything "princess"-related, but leans heavily on the heroines of the Disney variety. While not feeling well over AGAIN this past weekend, Becca got to stay with her awesome aunt Natalie for an all-day movie marathon, the second in a month. As I commented, this kid sure gets *cough* "sick" *cough* a lot. I call shenanigans!
After proving herself as the cool and astute aunt last time after "The Prince and Me" and others, Natalie sold Becca on expanding their sick day movie playlist. The most recent auntie selection included "Singin' in the Rain," "The Pacifier," "The Princess Diaries," "Ever After," a repeat of "The Prince and Me" and "Charlie's Angels." The trio of revamped TV heroines wins the guest critic treatment this time.
Just like last time, Becca nails it... AGAIN!
"There were three girls. One had white hair and was named Natalie, like my aunt, except different hair colors and the white hair was shorter. The red hair girl fell in love with the bad guy, and the bad guy loved someone else. She got shot through a window, but didn't die. There were lots of bad guys in this movie, but the girls won. I don't remember their names, except for Natalie, because she had white hair and my Aunt's name is Natalie. I liked it."
Hey, you do what you have to do to make a sick girl feel better. No harm done and it beats a 127th repeat of a Disney movie. Once again, kudos to Natalie for bringing a new movie to love to a cool girl. Strike your poised to attack freeze pose!
Just as I said last time, let Natalie and Becca be a lesson to all of you. Share older movies with young kids. We always say that "they don't make them like they used to." Prove it and earn some cool points with the kids in your lives, as a parent, an aunt, or even a teacher. Blow a few minds, turn on a light bulb, and spark some new inspirations! Be that example, folks!
See! What did I tell you? Cute as a button for the second time! That may or may not save you a DVD purchase, a spot on your Netflix queue, or a Redbox rental. Becca still saved me 800 words of hating on Drew Barrymore, my all-time least favorite actress (I know. Them's be fightin' words). I'd like to thank Becca and her aunt Natalie for being my fifth "guest critic!" Thanks for letting me play along and thanks for thinking of me with this review!
Let's keep this going. Friends, if you see a movie that I don't see and want to be featured on my website (and get a fun fake biography written about you), hit up my website's Facebook page and you can be my next GUEST CRITIC!