Every Movie Has a Lesson

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5 Online Dating Movies You Can Binge Watch 

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5 Online Dating Movies You Can Binge Watch 

by Kathy D

Meeting people on the internet is catching up fast. Chat rooms are becoming a regular fixture to know and understand the person privately. Aside from social networking sites, many young netizens are making active profiles on dating sites to have fun.

Cinema has captured this trend of online dating in some entertaining movies. These movies about finding love on the web leave behind a social message. Whether you are an online dating fan with profiles on matchmaking websites or eager to explore an online dating trend, here are five movies to help you explore modern courtship.

1. Must Love Dogs

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Can pet love push an online man-woman relationship? “Must Love Dogs” is a comfortable watch for parents and kids. It explores online dating for divorcees in contrast to matchmaking and stars Diane Keaton as Sarah Nolan and John Cusack as Jake Anderson.

Sarah and Jake get divorced in their respective marriages. Their family and friends set out to help them find someone new. Sarah’s sister creates a profile on a dating site without Sarah’s knowledge. She also tells potential matches they ‘must love dogs’ (which coincides with the movie name).

Sarah gives online dating a try. Jake’s pal shows him Sarah’s profile and fixes a date between the two at the dog’s park. Sarah brings her brother’s dog, where she sits, whereas Jake brings his friend’s dog. They chit-chat about Sarah’s profile, where she says the man must love dogs. The initial misunderstandings settle, and Sarah professes her feelings for Jake.

Moral: Create your dating profile before anybody in your family does.      

2. You’ve Got Mail

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This is the typical online dating movie set in New York when AOL was famous. Kathleen (played by Meg Ryan) and Joe (played by Tom Hanks) meet in a chat room and set some messaging rules: they won’t disclose their real names (just Shopgirl and NY152) or anything about their friends, family, jobs, or hobbies.

They don’t know that Joe’s bookstore franchise is running a business at Kathleen’s local bookstore. Opposites attract amid hidden identities. The final scene shows Joe and Kathleen arranging a meeting with their online love interest at the park. Upon discovering their true identities, they share a kiss and live happily ever after with their giant-screen laptops.

Moral: Be completely honest about who you are and what you want in getting to know someone online.    

3. Because I Said So

This online dating flick shows the chaos that follows if someone else tries to control your love life. It delves deep into the relationship between Milly (played by Mandy Moore) and Daphne, her mother (Diane Keaton). 

Milly, the youngest of three sisters, is the worst at dating. Her mother posting an ad on an online dating site and screening all the men for her is no help. Daphne meets Jason and thinks he is perfect for her daughter. A chance meeting fructifies between Milly and Jason organized at Milly’s workplace. Milly also starts dating Johnny, who her mother met but disapproved of. Milly learns about her mother’s intrusion and Jason’s knowledge of it. Johnny also finds out Milly is seeing someone else. The chaos worsens. Eventually, Milly and her mom patch up and realize Johnny is the man for Milly.   

Moral: Never allow your family member to create a dating profile for you and interfere in your love life.  

4. Eurotrip

Image Source: Freepik

One of the best teen movies, Eurotrip, has one of the best songs: “Scotty Doesn’t Know.” Scotty takes to drinking at a party when his GF breaks up with him on graduation day. Before the party, Scotty is emailing with his German pen pal, Mieke, when Cooper, his best friend, tells him it's bizarre he talks to a foreign fella daily. 

Later, Scotty replies to Mieke’s mail, calls him a “sick German freak,” and tells him he will never talk to him again. What he misses is that Mieke is a common German girl’s name. Scotty finds it too late to apologize as Mieke has blocked his email. Scotty goes on a Europe trip with Cooper and travels to several cities. In the end, he finds Mieke and explains everything. They indulge in sex and promise to continue emailing. On the first day of college, Scotty finds Mieke applying to the same school to be with him.   

Moral: Make sure you fully know your language while communicating with a pretty girl overseas. Also, don’t send angry emails when you are drunk.   

5. Catfish

This online dating movie is based on a true story. One day, Nev, a photographer living in New York, receives a painting of one of his photos from an 8-year-old Abby. They become Facebook friends, and Abby shares his family details, including her older half-sister, Megan. Nev and Megan message each other, and Nev’s brother Ariel documents their online relationship. 

The brothers soon discover weird things about Megan–the songs she was sending Nev hinting it was her voice picked from YouTube. The brothers travel to Michigan to confront Megan. It's Angela who answers the door. The movie shows twists and turns, how Angela had 15 fake profiles, including Abby and Megan’s. Nev forgives her and helps other people going through a similar situation.

Moral: Do not fall too easily and quickly online.

Wrapping Up

Online dating movies are entertaining; they provide tips to implement in your own lives. So, even if you watch something on your television, it’s pretty different from what it seems.