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GUEST COLUMN: 3 Tips To Help You Achieve Abs Like an Action Star

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3 Tips To Help You Achieve Abs Like an Action Star

by Lewis Robinson

If you've paused a film to gawk at a movie star's six-pack, you're not alone. In today's film and TV industry, it seems like every leading actor is trying to make it into the next Marvel movie. You can envy their amazing physiques all you want, but are you really prepared to work that hard in the gym and be that strict with your diet? If you're up for it, here are three tips to help you achieve abs like an action star. 

How Do Hollywood Stars Get Such Great Abs?

First off, you have to understand the basics of how these Hollywood action stars get such great abs to begin with. If you follow any major action star on social media, then you know they spend a ton of time in the gym. Not only that, you can see that they also have help from professional trainers, and often these are experts who they've known for years. Combined with the fact that they get paid loads of money for these big roles, you can understand why they are motivated to crush it at the gym. 

It's not just the gym, though. You also have to get your diet and supplements in order if you want to have abs like a movie superhero. From a nitric oxide agent pre workout citrulline to post-workout protein and daily vitamins, these are the things you need if you want your cabinet filled up with the same muscle-building goodies as the stars.

Now that you've got the basics down, here are some expert tips to help you achieve the abs of your dreams. 

1. Train Smart and Train Hard 

It's no surprise that you have to train hard and train often to get six-pack abs, but you also need to train smart. Doing five-hundred crunches every day just isn't the best way for you to get what you want. You're likely to get injured doing repetitive and ineffective exercises. 

Instead, research a professionally-approved fitness and exercise plan and commit to it. Depending on the phase you're in, either putting on muscle or cutting fat, your time in the gym could look very different.

You should always include exercises like deadlifts and squats because these will help you build muscle throughout your body while also strengthening connective tissues and ligaments.

2. Let Your Body Rest and Heal

One key aspect of building and maintaining healthy muscle is rest. While your workout plan is going to be intense, you also have to get proper rest so that your muscles can heal. That's how you build muscle. If you're constantly tearing your body apart but not allowing time for healing, then you won't see the results you're looking for. 

Sleep is going to play a huge part in your muscle gains. Make sure to schedule a proper eight hours of sleep each night at the minimum. Your body and your abs will thank you.

3. Bulk Up Then Cut Down 

If you're starting from scratch when it comes to working out and building muscle, you could benefit from completing a bulking phase first followed by a cutting phase. In simple terms, a bulking phase is when you ease up on your diet and eat a lot while completing specific workouts targeted at building muscle. You will probably gain some fat along the way, but that's expected in this phase. 

Once you've reached your strength and muscle goals, you move into a cutting phase, which is when you clean up your diet and cut fat. That's when you'll really see your abs pop. 

Getting the abs of an action star isn't easy, but it is possible. All it takes is hard work, commitment, and the right diet and exercise plan.