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GUEST COLUMN: Two Types of Modern Movies That Use Hemp

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/MqISkm2iLGc

Two Types of Modern Movies That Use Hemp

by Kevin Gardner

In the modern age of film, hemp is being depicted more often. After all, it's no longer the taboo subject that it used to be. Generally, hemp tends to be referred to by the umbrella name "cannabis". The way it's used varies greatly. There are many different types of films that portray this drug. If you'd like to learn more, here are two types of modern movies that use hemp.

1. Documentaries

Documentaries are a highly popular form of hemp-based film. Since there's a lot of misinformation about cannabis floating around, these movies are extremely important. Viewers can learn about the science behind hemp, various cultures that use it and how hemp might affect society in the future. While many of these films aren't mainstream, several have been critically praised and highlighted on streaming platforms. A great example of this is American Hemp. This documentary takes viewers into the world of hemp farming. Not only does it provide accurate information about hemp, but it gives insight into how the drug is made. You can learn how, for instance, hemp drying works. Also, American Hemp teaches viewers about Native American hemp history.

Another excellent documentary about hemp is CBD Nation. If you're at all interested in cannabis, you can't have failed to hear about CBD. This substance is said to provide the relaxation of cannabis without the high. Since the science is so inconclusive, this documentary provides a valuable insight into the drug's effects.

Finally, Grass is Greener is an excellent film to watch, especially if you're interested in hip hop culture. This documentary is led by Fab 5 Freddy, a hip hop artist that explores the culture's history with cannabis. It also brings up a controversial yet vital topic - criminalization of cannabis.

2. Stoner Movies

Stoner movies are, undeniably, an extremely popular form of cannabis film. These movies help to normalize the drug while providing entertainment. Sure, stoner movies aren't known for being critical darlings. In fact, many of the most popular ones were panned. Despite this, these films hold a special place in the hearts of hemp users. An excellent example is Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Essentially, this movie is School of Rock without the kids (but with cannabis). Complete with Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the film is rife with stoner jokes and insane hijinks. Basically, the plot revolves around two wannabe rock stars who attempt to steal a magical guitar pick. Does it make sense? No. Is it a fun-loving movie that humanizes cannabis users? Definitely.

Another excellent movie to check out is Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. Similar to the previous movie, this flick centers around two stoners that go on an epic quest. In this film, the journey revolves around getting a White Castle burger. Somehow or other, this simple goal involves a host of hilarious shenanigans, including raccoons and an extremely rude Neil Patrick Harris. The film, like any great stoner flick, both features cannabis and feels like a trip. At the end of it, audiences with no hemp experience are likely to, at the very least, have a better appreciation for the drug.

Finally, Booksmart should be addressed. While this film isn't a stoner flick in the most traditional sense, it does have the feel of one. From crazy shenanigans to drug use, the acclaimed film is excellent for hemp-users. Most importantly, the main character has a moving monolog about her first time getting high. While it's panicked and intense, it still normalizes cannabis. Since Booksmart is such a popular movie, it can help unfamiliar audiences feel comfortable around the drug.

In the modern age, the use of hemp has become highly normalized. In fact, it's often depicted in television shows. Unfortunately, the film industry is still a bit behind. So, every time another movie with hemp is released, it's a step towards normalizing cannabis. Check these movies out and have a great time!