Every Movie Has a Lesson

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GUEST COLUMN: Movies That Inspire You to Overcome Challenges

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Movies That Inspire You to Overcome Challenges

by Adrian Johansen

Inspirational movies are always fun to watch. No matter what you might be going through, certain films can motivate you to do better, push through your challenges, and come out stronger on the other side. 

Even if you have absolutely no connection to what’s going on in the film, that struggling athlete crossing the finish line or that person rising from living in the streets to working on Wall Street can give you all “the feels.” 

There is no shortage of inspirational movies that can inspire self-growth and success. If we went through even a small section of them, you’d be reading all day. For now, let’s cover three movies that tell very different stories but are all inspiring in their own ways. Whether you need a “pick-me-up” or something to watch that will motivate you to do more, any one of these films could be the ticket. 

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 film starring Will Smith and his son Jaden. It’s based on the true story of Chris Gardner. Gardner was a struggling salesman who was trying to care for himself and his son but couldn’t seem to catch a break. The two were evicted from their apartment and, at one point, were forced to find shelter wherever they could to sleep. 

The movie doesn’t show much in the way of traditional budgeting methods, but it does show how hard it is to overcome poverty and escape debt – especially with children. 

The change in the film (and in real life) comes when Gardner accepts an internship at a high-end brokerage firm. The problem? It doesn’t pay anything. But, it comes with the hope that he’ll eventually get hired for a job. This kind of entrepreneurial endeavor or even a “side hustle” is one of the best ways to stay on track financially and work your way up when you’re living on a low income.

Throughout the film, viewers see Gardner working diligently and passionately within the firm, making call after call and knowing exactly how to talk with investors – big and small. Eventually, Gardner lands a job with the company. Today, not only is he known for being a successful stockbroker but an author and motivational speaker. 

The lessons in The Pursuit of Happyness range from never giving up to finding your passions. Gardner worked incredibly hard to land a job at that brokerage firm, but as the film showed, he also had a natural talent for working with people that he may not have realized before. 

The Impossible

No one wants to think about their family experiencing a disaster. But, that’s exactly what happens in 2012’s The Impossible. The movie is based on a 2004 family trip taken to Thailand when the Boxing Day tsunami hit. It goes through Maria Belton’s account of what happened to her and her family. 

In some spots, the movie is hard to watch. The family gets separated, injured, and at some points, you’re fairly certain they’re not going to make it. Maria herself seems to take the brunt of the tsunami. She is shown nearly drowning and getting knocked around by debris underwater. Naomi Watts puts on a stunning performance that is so realistic, it can make you feel almost uncomfortable – in the best way possible. 

Because the Belton family was on vacation with no way of knowing what was about to hit, they didn’t have time to prepare for an emergency. But, one thing this movie shows is how important it is to take measures that will keep your family safe. At home, you can create an emergency kit that includes things like: 

  • A gallon of water

  • Blankets

  • Flashlights

  • A whistle

  • Batteries

  • Garbage bags for personal waste

You should also talk to your kids about natural disasters and develop an emergency preparedness plan. While keeping your family safe is definitely something this film will inspire, it’ll also undoubtedly make you want to hold them closer. Without spoiling too much, this story had a happier ending than anyone would’ve thought possible. But, it shows the importance of perseverance, especially when it comes to fighting for the people you love. 


While Brooklyn doesn’t necessarily follow a true story, there is no doubt it speaks to the experience of many immigrants who came to the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. The 2015 film follows an Irish immigrant named Eilis as she moves to New York City from a small town in Ireland to find work, and perhaps a new life. 

The movie is a love story – and a beautiful one. Eilis falls for the son of Italian immigrants and the very real and raw depiction of their relationship throughout the film is inspiring and heartwarming. 

But, it’s also a wonderful depiction of how strange and difficult it can be to adjust, especially when you move to a big city for the first time. Obviously, there are some differences between Eilis’ time period and today, but there are still many of the same advantages to moving to a city, including: 

  • More work opportunities

  • Access to so many things

  • Advanced medical care facilities

  • Entertainment

  • Education opportunities

Some struggles can come with moving somewhere new, but this movie can inspire you to overcome those feelings of homesickness. Eilis puts it perfectly at the end of the movie when she’s speaking to another immigrant on a ship back to the States: 

“You'll feel so homesick that you'll want to die, and there's nothing you can do about it apart from endure it. But you will, and it won't kill you. And one day the sun will come out — you might not even notice straight away, it'll be that faint. And then you'll catch yourself thinking about something or someone who has no connection with the past.”

Though all of these films teach different lessons, they’re all fantastic inspirational stories. Whether you’re feeling down and need something to motivate you, or you happen to watch one for its entertainment value and leave feeling inspired, take their lessons to heart and allow them to stick with you as you face your own personal challenges.