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GUEST EDITORIAL: 6 Podcasting Life Hacks For Enhanced Productivity

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6 Podcasting Life Hacks For Enhanced Productivity 

by Kathy D

Struggling with productivity is something that we never want to do. But when someone starts experiencing diminished productivity, it becomes a serious challenge to lead daily life. It’s like you want to finish off the maximum amount of work with all your efficiency, but you may fail to do so due to a lack of productivity.

But what if you get a couple of podcasts that teach you intriguing life hacks only to improve your productivity and boost daily life efficiency? Did you ever think of implementing podcast life hacks to improve the productivity of your work or daily errands? Yes, it’s now a reality. And if you want to learn more on this front, this post shall narrate the most effective life tweaks to simplify your work and increase work competency.

If you are interested in working on your efficiency through podcasting life hacks, here’s your safest guide to understanding the six exciting tweaks.

Implementing Technologies to Systemize Your Space

Storage technology turns out to be massively impactful to incorporate into the real world we all live in. That brings the discussion of cable management. On this note, doesn't a binder clip sound cool and time-consuming to hold your documents and scripts together? Well, if you own a studio, a binder clip serves you gold as it manages the overwhelming assortments of the cables.

As they are obtainable in different sizes, you can keep your workspace organized and easily accessible. In addition to this, you can use them to keep your extension cord gauge system organized and tidy by using something like a hangable clip.

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Following a Checklist to Ensure the Right Steps

Did you know that following the steps in chronological order will help you complete the task more efficiently? Unless you plan a checklist guide to everything you perform in your pragmatic life, you will not improve productivity. In a nutshell, checklists have an integral part to play in the entire workflow.

And when you undermine the importance of formulating a checklist plan, you won’t be able to concentrate on the intricacies of the job to accomplish perfection. You must have a checklist for all your repetitive errands to save time and bandwidth. Ensuring the proper list to perform the steps chronologically will help you enhance work efficiency, regardless of the type of work you perform.

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Early To Bed; Early To Rise

There’s a saying that when a man follows this regimen mentioned above, he will become a healthy, wealthy, and wise individual. Although you may think it’s a kindergarten thought, it is not. It helps you increase productivity. And according to multiple podcasts, it seems that people are practicing this healthy habit for other health benefits.

Surveys illustrate that waking up earlier is beneficial for both body and mind. Besides promoting quality sleep, it helps you acquire additional time for a workout. Again, that will enhance your efficiency at work and daily errands. Furthermore, early risers are reported to have better mental health and mood when compared to those who wake up late in the morning. In addition, it alleviates stress and increases organizational proficiencies.

Learn How to Say No

While saying a no to someone or something may look impolite, there are reasons why you need to do so at times. Often, productivity gets hindered by a thousand insignificant and tiny tasks that you require doing every day. You must agree to take the things on to help your colleague or friends without thinking about how it would impact your productivity.

But saying no to something is not a rude gesture. Ample ways are there how you can politely and sweetly decline to do something without ruffling features. And that’s a skill you need to learn. Try and evaluate a chance before you agree to say no whenever you require saying it. 

Implement the Legendary Two-Minute Rule

According to podcasting professionals, time management is a hot topic in this 21st century, hectic world. That’s where the two-minute rule can get implemented. It demonstrates the order in which the tasks get achieved. According to this rule, if you think the action gets completed in two minutes, do it right away – because it takes longer to organize and review it rather than finishing it off.

Prioritize your responsibilities based on time. In this manner, you can also make more informed decisions on how to omit work and devote periods when you already know that you will stay undisturbed to tasks that need insightful attention. Thus, filtering your tasks based on this rule will help you achieve more.

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Recover Through Mindfulness and Stay Away from Notifications

Staying plugged into technologies all the time will only diminish productivity. That’s the reason you need to recover and unplug through mindfulness. Also, stop messing up your mind through multitasking as it can contribute to Internet addictions, eye strains, and other ailments. Surveys have proved that by working less and at the proper time you can be more productive.

It is imperative to work on something to schedule time each day and unplug from all the devices. In this manner, you can let your mind, body, and soul recover from the pragmatic stress. Perform mindfulness and learn how to rejuvenate your soul. It's an indulging way to unwind yourself from the humdrum of daily life and simultaneously prevent burnout.

Besides, staying away from the never-ending notification of emails, social media, or WhatsApp is mandatory. Though it's easier to say than to do in reality, you better switch them off and see them during a proper time, like after finishing all work or during a break. 

Final Words

So, these are the six podcasting life hacks that not only help you become smarter but also enhance productivity through small strategies. But these life hacks are personal and vary from person to person. You would require to enhance these hacks according to your preferences. Do not hesitate to help from the audio hacks and creative workarounds if that suits your work and productivity. And do not expect double productivity overnight. Giving it sometime and staying focused is the mantra. Thus, now you can undertake and implement any of these into your daily errands to make life better and increase work efficiency.