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COLUMN: Best Bodybuilding Documentaries to Watch on Netflix

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/wt5jg8_WrJg

Best Bodybuilding Documentaries to Watch on Netflix

Netflix is known to be the holy grail of entertainment. If we need to understand how the entertainment industry transformed in recent times, we can look at the popularity of Netflix. From movies to TV series and even some of the finest study material, you will get everything on Netflix. Where most people talk about the original series on Netflix, one of the most understated genres so far is documentary. For every nerd and geek out there, nothing can get better than information in the form of entertainment. With multiple original and classic services just a click away, Netflix has become a phenomenon. People are now linking a good leisure time as Netflix and chill, which is not bad for a company's publicity. There is a whole generation that is rooting for Netflix as they have no clue how to live without Netflix. From history 101 documentaries to some of the finest documentaries on Middle Eastern feud, you will be able to enjoy the finest information straight from the local people who have experienced it. When it comes to food, diet, and fitness, you will find so many talk shows, reality shows, and documentaries that you can binge-watch. Starting from some of the famous recipes to seeing how people have gained muscle or lost weight. You will be able to learn and experience a completely different side of the fitness industry.

With the help of this article, we will help you to know about some of the best documentaries that are related to bodybuilding. From basic side effects to the overall effect of exercise on the human body, you will be able to learn everything. Apart from this, these documentaries will show you the real-life of some of the best names in the bodybuilding industry. For a bodybuilder who is looking for motivation to start and continue the workout, these documentaries can be very important.

Generation Iron

We all know that just like fashion our standard body type changes as well. Where most people were limited to lean and thin body types at the start, people are now looking for curvier body types. Just like that, the peak of bodybuilding was known as the generation iron. It was the time when people loved the idea of a bodybuilder and everyone was working out. Generation Iron talks about some of the best bodybuilders from around the globe. Starting from some famous and elite bodybuilders who became Mr. Olympia, they follow some of the best bodybuilders of the 21st century. You will be able to enjoy Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ferrigno, and other icons who have participated in the industry. Some of the recent names also include jay cutler along with some of the best names from the industry. This documentary doesn’t limit itself to the interviews, it talks about instructional inspiration and realism as well. From a life full of discipline and restrictions, you will see how difficult it is for a world-class bodybuilder to enjoy a simple life. This documentary also shed light on the basic practices and critically analyzes bodybuilding as a sport. One thing that makes it stand out is the fact that regardless of so much information, you will not feel bored and you will see that it is a true form of celebration of bodybuilding as a game.

Pumping Iron

If we are talking about some real iron in the bodybuilding industry, we can never forget the legends. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the legendary names in the bodybuilding industry that no one will ever forget. If you are into classics and you like terminator, there is nothing better for you to do than to grab some popcorn and get ready for this exceptional story. From the professional bodybuilding lifestyle to becoming Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia competitions and then entering the film industry, this documentary offers all details. From the educational and entertainment side, you will be surprised how much you will be able to learn. Within the insanely competitive body-building world, he was able to not only make his mark but he was considered successful as well. Taking you along the fiery mental, intense psychological, and physical fitness-based training, this documentary offers a complete view. You will be able to enjoy the personality of Arnold and you will also see the rivalry with other bodybuilders.

Bigger Stronger Faster

One of the most talked-about and controversial topics in the fitness industry is related to quick fixes and steroids. We have seen so many people taking the shorter route and exploring the world of steroids only to regret it later. Bigger, Stronger, Faster is a very close look in the growing steroid-based fitness industry. From the basic side effects to their long-lasting effects on the body, this documentary series covers everything that you need to know. Within this documentary, you will be able to see three brothers from the bodybuilding industry stating their individual experiences with the steroids and other medicines that are used as shortcuts. Explaining their personal experience in the fitness industry where they were forced to do better, this documentary shed a light on the pressure and rising expectations from bodybuilders. As the brothers reveal details about their experience, they also oppose and favor the use of drugs according to their experiences. You will also be able to see the side effects in real life and how the use of drugs affected their lives.

Fittest On the Earth

When we talk about bodybuilding, we talk about a passion project rather than a simple workout that everyone can perform at home. It is a complete lifestyle that will keep you awake at night and convince you to abandon some of the best flavors. In the Netflix documentary Fittest on the Earth, there is a world of competition where both male and female bodybuilders try to do better than others on the list. The goal is to win, do well, and beat the other participants. The winner of the completion gets the title of fittest on the earth and wins a cash prize as well. This is a five-day event and within these five days, participants have to go through 13 different tests. To find the fittest on the earth, the person who aims to win needs to prove he is indeed the fittest of all. This documentary is not all about bodybuilding but if you are into sports you will fall in love with it. From the scenes glimpse to getting exclusive responses from the participants, you will be able to enjoy everything from the event.

Bottom Line

To sum it all up, you need to know bodybuilding is the game of motivation. We have seen people starting their bodybuilding but once they feel it is not giving them significant or expected results, they quit. Bodybuilding is not the same as any other exercise. It is much harder and you need much more commitment. Unlike most people who believe bodybuilding is fun because you can eat wherever you want, you still need a diet. For some months, this diet is pretty fun but when you are expected to eat at least 6 times a day, this gets pretty brutal. With the help of these documentaries, you will be able to dive into the actual life of bodybuilders and this will motivate you to stay away from quick fixes.