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EDITORIAL: After "Parasite and "Get Out": What to Expect of Thrillers

(Image: slashfilm.com)

After Parasite and Get Out: What to Expect of Thrillers?

Movies are confidently taking up one of the top spots on the list of most common ways of entertainment. The industry itself is bringing in millions every month. It’s a unique form of art that uses a completely different approach to storytelling than books or video games. And just like any art, it has been evolving throughout its entire life span, discovering new genres and developing new techniques.

Pretty much anyone can find something they like among the abundance of movies that are available today. The variety of genres is incredible.

  • Action movies

  • Dramas

  • Comedies

  • Documentaries

  • Thrillers

These are but a fraction of a long list of various types and styles film-makers typically use. Let’s take a closer look at the thriller genre. This one has been around nearly for the entire lifespan of cinematography as we know it today. You’d think that after all those years, movie-makers would run out of tricks to keep their audience at the edge of their seats. Let’s see if it’s the case.

(Image: Upsplash)


The very essence of thrillers is explained in their name. They are winning the audience over by creating tension. And when you think of tension, it’s usually detectives, horrors or something of that sort. But there is much more to the genre than meets the eye. And the abundance of examples will prove that you don’t need a scary monster to thrill your audience.

Parasite is one of the recent ones. It’s a reassurance to the jaded veterans of the genre that there is still more to it. It is a gem of Korean film-making that leaves you wondering how to review a movie like this one. It restores your faith in the industry from the first minutes. Every aspect of it perfectly contributes, making up a great piece of art that won’t let go of you until the very credits.

The story itself has nothing to do with traditional action or horror. A poor family that is trying to get by defrauding a rich family might as well be a comedic setup. And there are some funny moments. But when it comes down to the essence of this movie, you realize that by pushing the right buttons, the team behind Parasite managed to pull off a very solid film that explores the genre of thriller in an entirely different setting.

Get Out

Get out is another example of the direction thrillers are heading today. It’s residing on a more traditional side of things. There are plenty of tropes that you’ve seen a thousand times before. Some jump scares here, some dark corridors there. But despite all of that, the main idea of the movie comes through thanks to an interesting scenario and a well-chosen cast.

This is basically the traditional thriller formula, outfitted with a modern engine. It’s a re-imagining of old tricks rather than redefining the genre in the global sense. And yet, it works very well. This is the sort of movie that can be appreciated by those new to the thriller genre as well as long-standing veterans. It is also the director’s debut that highlights the flow of new talented blood into the industry.

Looking into the Future

Looking back at the work done by the film creators throughout the last couple of years, you can easily see that the genre’s arsenal is far from depleted. There are plenty of tricks up the directors’ sleeves that will be able to surprise even the pickiest fans of thrillers. You are guaranteed to experience unforgettable emotions.

When it comes to the thrillers that were produced recently, a prognosis can be made. The genre is likely to be taking a slight turn. The scenarios seem to be leaning into the unexplored, some would even say mundane setups. But don’t worry, as showcased by Parasite and Get Out, you won’t ever be bored by those.

Final Words

The industry is on the rise. And now is as good of a time as any to expand your movie library with a couple of new gems. Thriller is a really vague term. Pretty much any movie is supposed to thrill its audience. And that opens up a huge space for a maneuver. The genre can be fitted into just about any plot. All you need to make it a hit is a team to back it up.

The quest for a decent movie nowadays may seem like a challenging one. But once you dig a bit deeper and look past the marketed Hollywood stockpile, you’ll discover a whole new world of cinematography. The experiences that those movies can bring you will take you on a ride through different worlds and let you witness amazing stories.