COLUMN: 3 Tips for Making Custom Movie Posters



3 Tips for Making Custom Movie Posters

Are you a fanatic of movies or series? Do you feel like you want to get closer to your favorite actors and actresses? There is a way for you to do that. It will not matter if you are creative or not.  We are all independently unique hence ensure that you bring your brains to the table. 

You can come up with amazing posters that you can hang in your room alongside many other places of choice. The incredible thing about making them is that you can show off all your creativity. One can also edit some of their favorites here on Poster My Wall. The points that follow show the tips for showing off your favorite movie posters.

Design Wizard is another great option. You can create impressive videos and image designs in minutes with this easy-to-use tool. The free features allow you to resize your designs, upload your free fonts, photos and logos and create custom color palettes..

Use Captions That Will Intrigue The Audience

If you use boring captions, no one will be interested in reading what is on your poster. Work on your wording and ensure that you make it exciting. You should also ensure that the name of the movie will be written in bold. Picture writing it in italic, for instance. Will people even notice it? Not at all! 

Customize Fantastic Icon Stories

These icons can speak for your poster without you necessarily having to incorporate words or a caption. Icons are there to give you a hand in case you get stuck. Be picky because everyone will be attracted to it if it is versatile. Stealing someone else’s idea will be a bad idea. Remember that originality sells! So stick to your work and believe in yourself because at the end of the day, if you do not believe in yourself, then who will?

Look For An Attractive Background Image

Here you should go for very conspicuous colors. They will always catch the eye of people. If you go for dark colors, they are most likely going to remain unnoticed. You do not want that. The background image that you will also put should be out of this world-should turn heads. Remember that it is going to be the first thing that the reader will see. 

You should put a lot of energy and invest a lot in this part. Although you want it to look amazing, you should ensure that it does not seem overly done or instead too complicated. You can, however, use a color overlay if you are a maximalist. Minimalists, however, should ensure that they use a simple image because it dominates the whole poster.

Framing Your Movie Poster

Although some people to display their favorite movie posters flat on the wall with thumbtacks, one of the best ways to preserve your DIY art is inside a quality poster frame. Even for framing it, there are multiple options. Depending on the dimensions, you can try a ready made poster frame or if the piece is too large you can order a custom frame. 

If you’re a collector of movie posters or vintage posters then you SHOULD always consider framing them or putting them in a protective environment!

The above points show ways you can show off your movie posters. If you want them to catch the eyes of many, you should ensure that you stick to these tips. Balance all the activities in the poster-otherwise it will look like it is too busy. People may end up overlooking it because they will not be able to decipher what it is all about.  

Remember to choose a versatile background image. You may also seek people’s advice after you make it. From there, you will know whether it is ready to be posted or not. Look for ways that will make you creative before you start making them.